What Our Seniors Are Saying
“HopeWorks Helps Sapelo Island Couple”
HopeWorks is working in partnership with Georgia Public Service Commissioner, Tim Echols, and Georgia Power, to introduce our services to the low-income senior homeowners on Sapelo Island. Benjamin and Florence Hall are residents of the Hog Hammack Community and the first Sapelo homeowners to receive our help in the form of a new electric water heater and a new refrigerator.
Mr. Hall told me that he was having continuing concerns about his house because the repairs cost so much, especially being on an island that is only accessible by boat. “I don’t want debt,” he said, “but it is hard to make ends meet when you are elderly with health issues and doctor bills. When we received the call that HopeWorks would put in a new electric water heater and a new refrigerator, I told my wife Florence, ‘Well Florence, God is still blessing us!’ That organization is God’s servant doing His work.” Mr. Hall went on to say, “When they put in the new electric water heater and the new refrigerator, that relieved a lot of concern. Now we won’t have to worry about these things for many years.”
All around the state of Georgia, HopeWorks is providing practical and spiritual help to low-income seniors like the Halls. God is glorified through these practical gifts, and the hearts of our low-income seniors are encouraged and strenghtened. We are so grateful for your partnership that helps HopeWorks provide “Caring Hearts and Helping Hands” to so many low-income seniors.

"Lord, you know I have nothing, and I need something"
Mrs. Simon is 89 years old and has a strong faith in Christ. She has lived in her home for 40 years and has outlived her husband and two children. “I had a wonderful husband and was married 53 years. He always took care of everything.” Mrs. Simon was faced with no heat this past winter. She said, “I was sitting in the corner and started getting cold. I turned up the furnace. The air started blowing, but there wasn’t any heat. When I called a heating contractor they wanted $94 to come out and check my heater. I couldn’t afford that.”
Instead of worrying about her situation, Mrs. Simon began to call on the Lord, whom she had learned to lean on over the years. “Lord, you know I have nothing, and I need something. Please direct me.” The Lord did just that. Mrs. Simon began calling around and was led to HopeWorks. We responded right away and soon Mrs. Simon had her furnace repaired and a new water heater as well. Mrs. Simon smiled and said, “The technicians and the HopeWorks staff were so nice. Thank you so much for what you have done for me.”
Mrs. Byrd found herself without a furnace and needed to be rescued
Mrs. Byrd is 79 years old and recently found herself without a furnace and needing to be rescued. “I thought it was the new medication I was on. I kept staggering around my house. I finally called 911 and they sent out the fire department and Atlanta Gas Light.” Mrs. Byrd had been breathing in gas from a gas leak on her furnace. The gas company had no other choice but to cut off her gas for safety reasons.
She looked at her options and thought of using her fireplace but was told it was too dangerous to use. Buying a new furnace was out of the question because she did not have the finances to do so. A neighbor down the street heard about her situation and told her about HopeWorks. “I called and left a message. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have the money or anyway to pay for a furnace.”
HopeWorks was able to quickly replace Mrs. Byrd’s old furnace, and now she is warm and safe in her home. Mrs. Byrd told me, “When I lie in bed at night and hear the heater come on I say, Thank You Jesus! The Lord answered my prayer! He sent an angel to me, and I want to thank you. Even if I had a million dollars and could give it to you, it wouldn’t be enough to repay HopeWorks for all you have done.”

“I had to heat water on the stove every day, sometimes three times a day”
Mrs. Berry is an 83-year-old low-income senior who was without a water heater for over three months. “I had to heat water on the stove every day, sometimes three times a day. It reminded me of when I grew up in the country,” she said laughing. Mrs. Berry did not have the funds to replace her water heater, so she began calling around for assistance. One agency told her it would be 6 months before they could help her and suggested she call HopeWorks. HopeWorks replaced her water heater within 2 weeks. Now she has all the hot water she needs.
While at her house, it was also revealed that Mrs. Berry had a 48-year-old furnace. “I just spent $100 to get it fixed,” Mrs. Berry said, referring to her furnace. “I’ve had to spend money on it every year but couldn’t afford to replace it.” HopeWorks replaced her furnace, and now she is warm and comfortable in her home.
“There is no way I could afford to pay for all this! You came out and helped me very quickly and did even more than I expected. HopeWorks is a blessing from God!” Mrs. Berry’s situation is not uncommon. Last year, HopeWorks helped 140 low-income senior homeowners with a new gas furnace and gas water heater. This much-needed service specifically addresses the plight of widows and is fulfilling James 1:27, which tells us to look after widows "in their distress".